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2018- We are comin’ for ya!

Guys. Where the HECKKKKK did 2017 go?! I’m pretty sure I just started working on my 2017 goals and resolutions and now I have to make new ones for 2018?!? What. Is. Life. Agh.  Guys. 2017 was kick butt good. I mean like dang, I’m not sure a year can get any better.  

2017 was full of so many wonderful things-







I could seriously go on and on about 2017. It was just a wonderful year. It was the year we celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary of our marriage and our home-iversary! Tanner and I are often confused at why life has been so good to us. We have the best friends, the best family and to us we have the best marriage and friendship with one another. You guys. I’m obsessed with my husband. I don’t mean obsessed like the type that would lead my life into a Lifetime Movie, but just simply in a way where I know without a doubt that boy of mine is my world. Our love story this past year continued to blossom and to develop into a stronger marriage with a deeper connection and understanding of what it takes to make a marriage work. I’d say the number one thing we recognize as a huge player in our happiness is service. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again- SERVE YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER

Tanner and I are nothing short of excited to see what 2018 has to offer us. We’ve kind of narrowed it down into three specific categories of what we want to work on this upcoming year. 

-Becoming a more Christ centered home 

-Major health and lifestyle face lift 

-Travel on a monthly basis to a new place

Becoming a more Christ centered home is a goal that we discussed often and have sat down and chatted about what we can do to help us along this journey. For Tan and I, having Christ in the center of our lives and marriage is key to happiness in this life as well as to minimizing struggles, temptations and worldly influences on our marriage.

We are starting the New Year tonight by sitting down together and discussing what we can change and incorporate in our homes daily to help bring us closer to each other and Heavenly Father, as well as to fulfill our role in his work!

We are excited to put to use a new scripture study tool that Tan’s parent got us for Christmas to help study The Book of Mormon. It’s The Book of Mormon Made Easier by David Ridges. Have you used it? Or read it? Let me know what you think! I’m excited to hear your experience. 

Our major health and fitness face lift is way more for me than it is Tanner.. I mean seriously have you seen my hunk of burning love? Haha. He hates when I call him that.. so I continue to do so for kicks and giggles. 

We joined a gym. CLICHE I KNOWWWW. Trust me don’t judge. But let me tell you.. this “flab”-ulous person needs to lose like 45lbs.. soo here we are the newest members of Planet Fitness and side note.. if you are thinking of going a gym if you do Planet Fitness you can just pay for one Black Card Membership for you or your spouse and then you get to be their guest for free and with unlimited access! SCORE! So our gym fee is only $23 a month, I’d say that’s a WIN. I’m still not sure about their obnoxious purple equipment, but regardless you’ll find me there with my *NSYNC playlist on blast. 

We also are kicking off the Keto diet. SEND ME YOUR RECIPES please if you’ve done Keto. I started a few months back lost like 12lbs and then one day I drove past a Sonic and couldn’t pass up a Cherry Coconut Coke and I’ve been a goner since then.. pray for me. Please. That stuff is like an IV drip to me... I need it ON. THE. DAILY. 

2017 Tanner and I did a lot of traveling I flew to Arkansas at LEAST 30 times. Which Arkansas isn’t necessarily traveling, but it always takes me to my favorite place and people that I love to call home. We’ve been to Las Vegas, California, Massachusetts, Arizona, Tennessee, and Louisiana and several other little staycations around Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma that we just can’t get enough of. 

This coming year we want to make traveling to new places HAPPEN. Whether they will be 24 hour day trips or weekend trips we have plans and they are about to take flight in a few weeks! There is something about exploring new places together that Tanner and I love! So stay tuned, because I want to be blogging about each of those destinations! 

A few of our must sees this year include- 

NYC , New York

Havasupai Falls, AZ



Fingers Crossed ICELAND


Redwood National Forest

Horseshoe Bend 

Anchorage, Alaska


Washington DC 


This past year Vegas was a trip to remember if you go, let me know! I can give you tips on 15 FREE THINGS TO DO IN VEGAS! 

Each month we will venture out and see the world. As much as we’d love to go foreign every single time it makes more sense to use to do short weekend and day trips to see what the US has to offer! We can’t wait to share with you what we find!! 

You guys- this life we’ve been given is an AMAZING GIFT. Do what makes you happy and do it now. Serve, love and be kind always. 

I hope this coming year brings you all the happiness and love that it has to offer you. 

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